Classical Theology

Internet Sites:
To visit my site, click here.

J. Brian Huffling. “The Study of the Philosophy of Religion in the Age of the Internet.” The Knowledge Review. Dec 2017.
Articles to Download:

Joseph Brian Huffling. “Is God Morally Obligated to Prevent Evil? A Response to James Sterba.” Religions (2021) 12, no. 5: 312.

Brian Huffling and Thomas J. Gentry. “Does the Bible Sanction Homosexuality: A Response to David Martin.” The Evangelical Review of Theology & Politics, Vol 9 (2021): ES11-ES27.

Brian Huffling and Thomas J. Gentry. “A Biblical Case Against Homosexuality,” The Evangelical Review of Theology & Politics, Vol 8 (2020): ES21-ES37.

J. Brian Huffling. A Critique of Trinity Monotheism: Christian Apologetics Journal, 10:1 (Spring 2012): 79-100.

J. Brian Huffling. An Exploration of Eleonore Stump’s Theodicy: Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics, Vol. 7 No. 1 (2014): 305-330.

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